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This paper analyses Charles Darwins bird collection and the ornithological knowledge he derived from it during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Darwin collected 468 bird skins, 10 detached parts of the lesser rhea, and the nests and eggs of 16 different taxa as well as 14 whole birds and 4 parts of birds which he preserved in spirit. He labelled these specimens with a number tag only, cross-referring the number to a notebook entry. Partly because of his limited ornithological knowledge and partly because he was confronted at times with entirely unknown birds, Darwin was often unable to apply the correct generic designations and gave his South American specimens English and Spanish names from literature and the local tongues, as well as the scientific generic names of European birds. Back home, it was John Gould, the prominent ornithologist of the Zoological Society of London, who made sense of Darwins collection, among his many other scientific achievements correctly identifying the Galápagos finches as a group of closely related birds. Darwins bird collection did not receive much attention in the latter part of the 19th century. Most of the specimens had their original labels removed and replaced by ones of the custodian institution. Today, original Darwin specimens stemming from the Beagle voyage are to be found in at least eight different institutions, but almost half of the bird specimens Darwin collected on the Beagle voyage are not accounted for. The appendix to this paper lists for the first time all the birds which Darwin collected during the voyage. Darwins famous book On the origin of species hardly draws upon any ornithological examples from his voyage on the Beagle. Nevertheless, Darwin contributed much to ornithology. His collection contained 39 new species and subspecies of birds, mainly described by Gould, and some birds from populations now extinct, and he also made a few very good field observations, published in the sections of The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle dedicated to birds.
Frank D. SteinheimerSylter Strasse 18, 90425 Nuremberg, GermanyEmail: Phone: +49-30-20938512Fax: +49-30-20938528
Based on a wide variety of data, it is now clear that birds and teleost (bony) fish possess a core "social behavior network" within the basal forebrain and midbrain that is homologous to the social behavior network of mammals. The nodes of this network are reciprocally connected, contain receptors for sex steroid hormones, and are involved in multiple forms of social behavior. Other hodological features and neuropeptide distributions are likewise very similar across taxa. This evolutionary conservation represents a boon for experiments on phenotypic behavioral variation, as the extraordinary social diversity of teleost fish and songbirds can now be used to generate broadly relevant insights into issues of brain function that are not particularly tractable in other vertebrate groups. Two such lines of research are presented here, each of which addresses functional variation within the network as it relates to divergent patterns of social behavior. In the first set of experiments, we have used a sexually polymorphic fish to demonstrate that natural selection can operate independently on hypothalamic neuroendocrine functions that are relevant for (1) gonadal regulation and (2) sex-typical behavioral modulation. In the second set of experiments, we have exploited the diversity of avian social organizations and ecologies to isolate species-typical group size as a quasi-independent variable. These experiments have shown that specific areas and peptidergic components of the social behavior network possess functional properties that evolve in parallel with divergence and convergence in sociality.  相似文献   
The organization of tubules and blood vessels in the quail medullary cone is highly structured. This structural organization may result in preferential interactions among tubules and vessels, interactions that may enhance urine concentrating capability. In this study, we formulate a model framework for the urine concentrating mechanism of the quail kidney. The model simulates preferential interactions among renal tubules by representing two concentric cores and by specifying the fractions of tubules assigned to each of the concentric cores. The model equations are based on standard expressions for transmural transport and on solute and water conservation. Model results suggest that the preferential interactions among tubules enhance the urine concentration capacity of short medullary cones by reducing the diluting effect of the descending limbs on the region of the interstitium where the collecting ducts are located; however, the effects on longer cones are unclear.  相似文献   
The identity of avian digits has been unresolved since the beginning of evolutionary morphology in the mid-19th century, i.e. as soon as questions of phylogenetic homology have been raised. The main source of concern is the persistent discrepancy between anatomical/paleontological and embryological evidence over the identity of avian digits. In this paper, recent evidence pertaining to the question of avian digit homology is reviewed and the various ideas of how to resolve the disagreement among developmental and phylogenetic evidence are evaluated. Paleontological evidence unequivocally supports the hypothesis that the fully formed digits of maniraptoran theropods are digits DI, DII, and DIII, because the phylogenetic position of Herrerasaurus is resolved, even when hand characters are excluded from the analysis. Regarding the developmental origin of the three digits of the avian hand the discovery of an anterior digit condensation in the limb bud of chickens and ostriches conclusively shows that these three digits are developing from condensations CII, CIII, and CIV. The existence of this additional anterior condensation has been confirmed in four different labs, using four different methods: Alcian blue staining, PNA affinity histochemistry, micro-capillary regression and Sox9 expression. Finally, recent evidence shows that the digit developing from condensation CII has a Hox gene expression pattern that is found in digit DI of mice forelimb and chick hind limbs. The sum of these data supports the idea that digit identity has shifted relative to the location of condensations, known as Frame Shift Hypothesis, such that condensation CII develops into digit DI and condensation CIII develops into digit DII, etc. A review of the literature on the digit identity of the Italian Three-toed Skink or Luscengola (Chalcides chalcides), shows that digit identity frame shifts may not be limited to the bird hand but may be characteristic of “adaptive” digit reduction in amniotes (sensu Steiner, H., Anders, G., 1946. Zur Frage der Entstehung von Rudimenten. Die Reduktion der Gliedmassen von Chalcides tridactylus Laur. Rev. Suisse Zool. 53, 537–546) in general. In this mode of evolution two digits are lost, in the course of the adaptation of the three anterior digits to a function that does not require the two posterior digits. This evidence suggests that the evolution of digits in tetrapods can proceed at least on two distinct levels of integration, the level of digit condensations and that of adult digits.  相似文献   
How the power required for bird flight varies as a function of forward speed can be used to predict the flight style and behavioral strategy of a bird for feeding and migration. A U-shaped curve was observed between the power and flight velocity in many birds, which is consistent to the theoretical prediction by aerodynamic models. In this article, we present a general genetic model for fine mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for power curves in a sample of birds drawn from a natural population. This model is developed within the maximum likelihood context, implemented with the EM algorithm for estimating the population genetic parameters of QTL and the simplex algorithm for estimating the QTL genotype-specific parameters of power curves. Using Monte Carlo simulation derived from empirical observations of power curves in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), we demonstrate how the underlying QTL for power curves can be detected from molecular markers and how the QTL detected affect the most appropriate flight speeds used to design an optimal migration strategy. The results from our model can be directly integrated into a conceptual framework for understanding flight origin and evolution.  相似文献   
Respiratory water loss in Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) at rest and during flight at ambient temperatures (T(amb)) between 6 and 25 degrees C was calculated from respiratory airflow and exhaled air temperature. At rest, breathing frequency f (1.4+/-0.3 Hz) and tidal volume Vt (1.9+/-0.4 ml) were independent of T(amb), but negatively correlated with each other. Mean ventilation at rest was 156+/-28 ml min(-1) at all T(amb). Exhaled air temperature (T(exh)) at rest increased with T(amb) (T(exh) = 0.92.T(amb)+12.45). Respiratory water loss at rest averaged 0.18+/-0.09 ml h(-1) irrespective of T(amb). In flying Starlings f was 4.0+/-0.4 Hz and independent of T(amb). Vt during flight averaged 3.6+/-0.4 ml and increased with T(amb) (Vt = 0.06.T(amb)+2.83) as, correspondingly, did ventilation. T(exh) during flight increased with T(amb) (T(exh) = 0.85.T(amb)+17.29). Respiratory water loss during flight (average REWL(f) = 0.74+/-0.22 ml h(-1)) was significantly higher than at rest and increased with T(amb). Our measurements suggest that respiratory evaporation accounts for most water loss in flying Starlings and increases more than cutaneous evaporation with rising ambient temperature.  相似文献   
Absolute thresholds and critical masking ratios were determined behaviorally for the European barn owl (Tyto alba guttata). It shows an excellent sensitivity throughout its hearing range with a minimum threshold of −14.2 dB sound pressure level at 6.3 kHz, which is similar to the sensitivity found in the American barn owl (Tyto alba pratincola) and some other owls. Both the European and the American barn owl have a high upper-frequency limit of hearing exceeding that in other bird species. Critical masking ratios, that can provide an estimate for the frequency selectivity in the barn owl's hearing system, were determined with a noise of about 0 dB spectrum level. They increased from 19.1 dB at 2 kHz to 29.2 dB at 8 kHz at a rate of 5.1 dB per octave. The corresponding critical ratio bandwidths were 81, 218, 562 and 831 Hz for test-tone frequencies of 2, 4, 6.3 and 8 kHz, respectively. These values indicate, contrary to expectations based on the spatial representation of frequencies on the basilar papilla, increasing bandwidths of auditory filters in the region of the barn owl's auditory fovea. This increase, however, correlates with the increase in the bandwidths of tuning curves in the barn owl's auditory fovea. Accepted: 27 November 1997  相似文献   
西双版纳部分地区鸟类多样性初步考察   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
1992年12月,1993年11月及1994年4~5月,对西双版纳自然保护区内外的数个工作点进行了鸟类物种多样性的调查,共记录鸟类190种。分析表明雀形目鸟类物种多样性状态尚佳,而非雀形目鸟类类群(科种)多样性及物种多样性状态均恶化趋势,保护区内鸟类物种多样性状态明显较好,傣族墓葬地之龙山因依傍村落,农田及其他多种生境而具有相当丰富的鸟类物种多样性,是保护鸟类物种多样性不可忽视的一个方面,研究表明  相似文献   
We document a seasonal shift in the sex ratios of broods produced by resident southeastern American kestrels (Falco sparverius paulus) breeding in nest boxes in Florida. Early in the breeding season, most biased broods were biased towards males, whereas later in the season, most biased broods were biased towards females. Computer-simulated broods subjected to sex-biased egg and/or nestling mortality demonstrate that it is possible that differential mortality produced the pattern of bias that we observed. However, these simulations do not exclude the possibility that female kestrels were manipulating the primary sex ratio of the broods. We present evidence that this sex ratio shift is adaptive: for males we detected breeding as yearlings, all had fledged early the previous season. No such relationship between season and the probability of breeding as a yearling was found for females. We propose the Early Bird Hypothesis as the ecological basis for the advantage of fledg ing early in males. We hypothesize that pre-emptive competition among post-fledging, dispersing males for breeding sites confers an advantage to males fledged early in the season. This hypothesis may explain why a non-migratory population of the Eurasian kestrel (F. tinnunculus) and non-migratory American kestrels breeding in Florida (F. s. paulus) exhibit this seasonal shift in sex ratios, whereas migratory American kestrels (F. s. sparverius) breeding in Saskatchewan, Canada, do not. We discuss the relevance of the Early Bird Hypothesis for other animal species.  相似文献   
We investigated how the population dynamics of the same bird species varied in different environments, and how the population dynamics of different species varied in the same environment, by calculating long-term population trends for 59 insectivorous songbird species in 22 regions or strata of eastern and central North America using data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Of the 47 species that occurred in more than one region 77% increased in some regions and declined in others. Of the 22 regions 91% had some species that increased and others that decreased. There were only slightly more significant correlations between strata in species trends and between species for stratum trends than would be expected by chance. Because of nonlinearities in the data, the actual patterns of population fluctuations of the same species in different regions and of different species in the same region were even more heterogeneous than suggested by our analyses of linear trends. We conclude that these bird species respond to spatial and temporal variation in their environment in a very individualistic fashion. These individualistic responses show that the extrapolation of population trends gained from a few local studies to a larger spatial scale, and the use of a few indicator species to monitor the status of a broader community, are suspect.  相似文献   
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